

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

If requirements are updated, re-run this command.

Install the git pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

Create a .env file, using .envtest as an example.

Create development and test databases in PostgreSQL, and set the DATABASE_URL and TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variables, for example:


Run database migrations:

alembic upgrade head


Update requirements

See Requirements in the OCP Software Development Handbook.

Run application

uvicorn app.main:app --reload

Run tests

The DATABASE_URL and TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variables must be set to the test database.

pytest -W error

Check coverage:

pytest --cov

Generate coverage HTML report:

coverage html

You can the open htmlcov/index.html in a browser.

Create database migration

alembic revision -m "migration name"

This generates a file like

Then, edit both functions, upgrade and downgrade.

Alternatively, run:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration name"

This attempts to auto-detect the changes made to, subject to limitations.

Build documentation

One-time setup

pip install furo sphinx-autobuild

sphinx-autobuild -q docs docs/_build/html --watch .

Run application as Docker

Create an image:

docker build -t {image_name} .

Create and run a container:

docker run -d --name {container_name} -p 8000:8000 {image_name}

To delete the image (e.g. when recreating it), run:

docker rmi <your-image-id>


Black formater extention for VS code is being used for formatting, no config needed (ext id

Settings configured according to Fastapi guidelines

Versioning will be handled using an environment variable in .env file and following

Follow these conventions for commit messages and branch names.

API endpoints naming conventions

Use lowercase letters and separate words with hyphens or underscores.

Example: GET /users or GET /users/all

If the endpoint retrieves a specific resource, use the resource name in its singular form.

Example: GET /user/{id} or PUT /user/{id}

For endpoints that return collections of resources, use plural nouns.

Example: GET /users or POST /users

Use sub-resources to represent relationships between resources.

Example: GET /users/{id}/orders or GET /users/{id}/invoices

For actions or operations that do not fit into the RESTful resource model, consider using verbs or descriptive phrases.

Example: POST /users/{id}/reset-password or PUT /users/{id}/activate

Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless they are widely understood and agreed upon within your development team or industry.

Ensure that the endpoint names are self-explanatory and reflect the purpose of the API operation.


First admin user set up

  1. Create a user in Cognito

    • Create the user manually in the pool from the AWS console.

    • Mark “Don’t send invitation” and mark the option of verified email address.

    • After adding the new user to the pool, get the username from Cognito.

  2. Create the user in the Credere database

    Insert in the user table from the Credere database a record for the user.

    INSERT INTO public.credere_user(type, language, email, name, external_id) VALUES (“OCP”, “es”, {EMAIL}, “Admin User”, {COGNITO_USER_ID});
  3. Reset the password through the Frontend

    • Go to the login page

    • Click “Forgot Password?”

    • You will receive the email to set the password and after that configure the MFA for the new user.